
Hey there! My name is Savannah Rumer. I am a 25 year old portrait artist currently based out of Austin, TX. I have been an artist for as long as I can remember, but decided to make it my full time career a little over a 3 years ago. I graduated high school in 2017 and made the move to Morgantown, WV to study art education at WVU. I pursued that degree for 2 years, and then decided teaching just wasn’t what I was passionate about. I took some time off to weigh other options, and in that time started working on commissions to make some extra money. I quickly realized that this is what I was meant to do, and have not looked back since! I started a business, grew my audience, and now I’m here- working every day to bring other people joy. Nothing makes me happier than creating artworks for people and seeing the smile on their faces when they see their loved ones in a drawing. So that’s me! Make sure to check out the rest of my website to find out how to get your own portrait.
